No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.
No one likes to dwell on the inevitable, but planning for what happens after your death is important and has a major impact on the lives of those left behind. Many people assume that estate planning is just for the very wealthy and isn’t something they need to worry about. In truth, just about everyone can benefit from having an estate plan. When you start adding up assets such as your home, car, 401(k) plan or pension plan, and any other investments, you may realize you want to ensure that those funds are handled and distributed according to your wishes.
A comprehensive estate plan includes, but is not limited to, a will. Other typical estate planning documents include trusts, a living will and power of attorney.
Attorney Marrell J. McNeal can help you choose the best tools for your customized estate plan. Once you have a plan in place, you will be assured that your loved ones will know exactly how you want to handle your estate. In the event that your estate goes through probate, which is quite common, attorney McNeal can help ease that process as well.
Regardless of your age, it makes sense to have an estates plan in place, especially if you have young children who would need a guardian if you could no longer care for them. And as you age, it doesn’t make sense to put off planning for your future and that of your family.
The loss of a loved one is devastating. Having a will, advanced directive, medical power of attorney or durable power of attorney is important to both individuals and families. We have been handling estates and preparing these documents for our East Alabama clients for more than 40 years. If you need these services, please call me at 334-275-4368 or contact online to schedule an appointment today.
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